Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) uses a special version of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), called CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1. This version of CodeWorks for Android is the easiest way to setup the SDK and Native Development Kit (NDK) needed to develop Android projects with UE4. Although we're currently using version 1R6u1, we intend to use subsequent releases of CodeWorks. If you have other versions of the Android SDK installed (or, older versions of CodeWorks for Android), we recommend that you uninstall them and install CodeWorks for Android, using the CodeWorks for Android installer that's being distributed with UE4.
In the following section, we will cover how to get CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installed on a development PC. If you downloaded Unreal Engine 4 from Github, you will need to perform the following steps before you can run the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer. Please note that this applies to both Windows and Mac based PCs that download the Unreal Engine 4 source code from Github. If you are using the binary build downloaded from the launcher, then you can skip this part and go right into installing CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1.
Once Unreal Engine 4 has been downloaded from Github and extracted, run the Setup.bat file to download the required files as well as the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer. After the Setup.bat has finished running, locate and run the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer, following the instructions below. Double-click on the CodeWorksforAndroid-1R6u1-windows.exe file to initiate the install process. Click the Next button on the first window to begin the installation process. Click the Next button to continue. Set a location to download and install CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 and then click the Next button.
It is highly recommended that you install CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 while the Editor and Launcher are both closed to ensure that there are no problems with the install. Before you can install CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 to your Mac you will need to make sure that Java 8 is installed.
Use the link provided below to download and install Java 8. Java 8 can be downloaded from. To install CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 navigate to the Engine Extras Android folder. Install Type Location Binary EngineInstallLocation Unreal EngineEngineVersion Engine Extras AndroidWorks Mac GitHub EngineSyncLocation UE4 Engine Extras AndroidWorks Mac. If you downloaded Unreal Engine 4 from Github you will need to perform the following steps before you can run the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer. Please note that the following applies to both Windows- and Mac-based PCs that download the Unreal Engine 4 source code from Github. If you are using the binary build downloaded from the launcher, you can skip this part and go right into installing CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1.
Once Unreal Engine 4 has been downloaded from Github and extracted, run the Setup.command file to download the required files as well as the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer. After Setup.command has finished running, locate and run the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer, following the instructions below. Double-click on the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1-osx.dmg to load the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer. Double-click the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 installer icon to start the installation process.
Click Next. Click Next. Specify a location where CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 should be installed, then press the Next button. If you downloaded Unreal Engine 4 from Github, when CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 has finished installing, restart your Mac so the environment variables are set and then run the Setup.command file one more time to download the required Android Development files. Once CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 has finished installing, you will need to edit your Bash file by doing the following:.
Open up the Mac Terminal. In the Terminal type, nano /.bashprofile. Scroll down to the end of the file and add, export JAVAHOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0121.jdk/Contents/Home. For the purpose of showing you how to get started with Android on Linux, we will use CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 while working with Unreal Engine version 4.14.
The Engine should be closed before installing CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1. Also, please make sure that you have Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) installed, with your JAVAHOME environment variable set to the correct version of the Java Development Kit (JDK). To verify that JAVAHOME is set properly, enter echo $JAVAHOME into the terminal. If you don't see the correct JDK version, and install it on your Linux computer, making sure to set the JAVAHOME environment variable to the newly installed JDK.
Before continuing, please note that Android Vulkan on Linux is not supported at this time. Getting started, open the Terminal and navigate to the UE4Root folder that contains the compiled engine (using the cd command, changing the shell working directory). From inside of the UE4Root folder, navigate to the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 binary file ( CodeWorksforAndroid-1R6u1-linux-x64.run) by entering the following string into the terminal: cd Engine/Extras/AndroidWorks/Linux. Now, enter ls -l into the terminal, displaying a long listing of the directory's contents. The file's permission settings tell you that CodeWorksforAndroid-1R6u1-linux-x64.run is not ready for execution. Before you can run the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 binary, you need to change the file's access rights to allow for 'execute' permissions.
To change the file permission settings of CodeWorksforAndroid-1R6u1-linux-x64.run, enabling it to run like a normal executable, enter chmod +x CodeWorksforAndroid-1R6u1-linux-x64.run into the terimal. Please make sure that your computer has a valid Internet connection prior to moving onto the next step. After the CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 binary unpacks the NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android installer, you'll see the Installer Welcome window, prompting you to click either Next or Cancel. From the Installer Welcome window, click the Next button to begin the installation process. Now, from the Android Developer's Welcome Window, click the Next button to continue the installation process.
Specify the directory where CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 should be installed and downloaded. Click the Next button to download CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 from NVIDIA, ultimately installing CodeWorks on your computer. Now, verify that you're installing CodeWorks for Android 1R6u1 before clicking the Next button from the Android Component Manager window.
After the Terms and Conditions window appears, take some time to read through all of the Terms and Conditions before selecting the Accept All check box. Now, click the Accept button to begin the installation process. Once the installer completes the installation process, go ahead and click the Next button to proceed. After the Installation Complete window opens, click the Finish button to complete the installation.
Make sure to reboot your computer before moving onto the next step.
SDK Libraries The Leap Motion library is written in C. Leap Motion also uses SWIG, an open source tool, to generate language bindings for C#, Java, and Python.
The SWIG-generated bindings translate calls written in the bound programming language to calls into the base C Leap Motion library. Each SWIG binding uses two additional libraries. For JavaScript and web application development, Leap Motion provides a WebSocket server and a client-side JavaScript library. All the library, code, and header files required to develop Leap-enabled applications and plugins are included in the Leap Motion SDK, except the leap.js client JavaScript library. You can download the Leap Motion SDK from the Leap Motion Developer Portal.
An SDK package is available for each supported operating system. The JavaScript client library is distributed separately and can be downloaded from the. Plugins for Unity 5 and Unreal Engine 4.9 are provided separately from the main SDK. The Unreal plugin is included with Unreal Engine 4.9+ (source code release only, at this time). The Unity plugin is available at. Supported Compilers and IDEs.
C on Windows: Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013. C on Mac: Xcode 3.0+, clang 3.0+, and gcc. Objective-C: Mac OS 10.7+, Xcode 4.2+ and clang 3.0+. C# for.NET framework versions 3.5 and 4.0. Mono version 2.10.
Unity Pro and Personal versions 5.0. Java versions 6 and 7.
Python version 2.7.3. UnrealEngine 4.9 The plugin for Unreal Engine 4.9 is included in the Unreal Engine source code release. The plugin uses the C libraries of the Leap Motion SDK as well as Unreal-specific code.
To use the plugin, you must clone the Unreal Engine 4.9 source code from Epic Game’s Unreal Engine repository on github. The plugin for Unreal Engine 4.9 is included with the Unreal Engine. The plugin uses the C libraries of the Leap Motion SDK as well as Unreal-specific code. (To use the plugin in Unreal 4.7, you must clone the Unreal Engine 4.7 source code from Epic Game’s Unreal Engine repository on github and build the editor yourself.). JavaScript Leap Motion JavaScript support has two main components. The first component is the WebSocket server provided by the Leap Motion service.
This server allows web applications (or any application that can connect to a WebSocket) to access Leap Motion tracking data as JSON-formatted messages. The second component is the JavaScript client library, Leap.js.
Leap.js is an open-source JavaScript API that consumes the WebSocket JSON output and presents it in a form that is consistent in philosophy and structure to the native Leap Motion API.